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Bladder Leaks and what you can do about them

  Bladder Leaks & What You Can Do About It  The holiday season often brings together extended family- and, well, it also means that incontinence jokes tend to join the festivities as well! In case you haven’t heard, many mothers of the world have unwittingly joined a secret pelvic floor dysfunction club, often courtesy of childbirth. I was admitted seven years ago, even though I don't personally experience bladder leaks. Apparently, membership is assumed for us all .  This secret club is where the moms, aunts, older cousins  and grandmothers make private jokes and eye rolls about leaks, “oops moments” and not being able to jump on trampolines. Glamorous, right? And occasionally the whole family joins in on the joke whenever cousin Johnny breaks out his comedy routine and mom has to make a sprint to the bathroom.    Why is this happening, you ask? First, a bit of science.  Bladder leaks, medically known as urinary incontinence, affect millions of individuals worldwide. Despite i

When Pregnancy and Postpartum "Set backs" Are Actually "Set ups"


 "Don't be fooled.  What feels like a set back is often a set up.  Don't miss an opportunity to grow." 

People often see what happening to their bodies during pregnancy and postpartum as a "set back".  They can't wait to get through it and "get their old body back." 

But what if I told you it was actually a "set up" and you could come out of this journey with a better body than you started with?

I have the extreme privilege of coaching bodies (your bodies!) through a time when they are working hardships.  Clients come to me to prevent and/or overcome pregnancy related injuries like diastasis recti, pelvic floor dysfunction, prolapse, pelvic girdle pain, extreme exhaustion, lower back pain, sciatica...the list goes on.  But it's also a time when the hormone relaxin is working and allowing for growth and expansion.  It's a time when you are becoming the worlds most powerful vessel for growing another life!  

This is a remarkable opportunity to grow.   

Over time, every single one of my clients has learned to appreciate the challenges pregnancy and postpartum has given them.   They understand that this is a time in their lives when the body is going through an incredible amount of change and that my friend, is an opportunity to nurture, re-balance and strengthen yourself into a new you!  
But it doesn't happen overnight 

This work is SLOW and takes lots of PRACTICE.  But that's why Transformation Nation exists. When you start to apply the corrective exercise training principals of re-balancing your muscles and incorporating your inner core unit, you WILL see progress.  

This is why it's not enough to just find a "safe" pre & postnatal workout.  If you want to truly embrace this magical transformation, you  need to commit to changing your relationship to your body for the rest of you life. 
What pregnancy and or postpartum hardships have you overcome? Or what are you currently working through?  Did you use pregnancy and postpartum as a time to commit to transforming into a stronger version of yourself? 
Drop your thoughts in the comments below!   
 And if you are looking to create lasting change, head to and get started today!


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